Public Accounts Committee


Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 4 - Tŷ Hywel




Meeting date:

Thursday, 3 April 2014




Meeting time:

09.00 - 12.45




This meeting can be viewed on Senedd TV at:



Concise Minutes:




Assembly Members:


Darren Millar AM (Chair)

Christine Chapman AM (In place of Sandy Mewies AM)

Mike Hedges AM

Alun Ffred Jones AM

Julie Morgan AM

Jenny Rathbone AM

Aled Roberts AM











Committee Staff:


Fay Buckle (Clerk)

Meriel Singleton (Second Clerk)

Claire Griffiths (Deputy Clerk)

Gwyn Griffiths (Legal Advisor)






View the meeting transcript.



1    Introductions, apologies and substitutions

1.1 The Chair welcomed the Members to Committee.


1.2 The Chair advised Committee that William Graham was elected to the Committee on Tuesday but had sent his apologies due to a diary clash.


1.3 Apologies were received from Sandy Mewies. Christine Chapman substituted.


1.4 The Chair welcomed Kate Kuring, a performance audit manager from the Victorian Auditor General’s Office (VAGO) in Australia, who is  visiting the WAO as part of a study tour of the UK audit offices





2    Papers to note

2.1 The papers were noted.




2.1  Senior Management Pay: Letter from Richard Tompkins, Director of NHS Wales Employers (3 March 2014)




2.2  Senior Management Pay: Additional information from Peter Smith, The Hay Group (March 2014)




2.3  Senior Management Pay: Amended paper from the Welsh Local Government Association (March 2014)




3    Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:

3.1 The motion was agreed.




4    Senior Management Pay: Briefing from the Wales Audit Office and next steps

4.1 Members received a briefing from the Wales Audit Office on two Wales Audit Office Public Interests reports, published on 30 January 2014, on Senior Officers’ Pay and Pensions - Carmarthenshire County Council and Senior Officers’ Pay and Pensions - Pembrokeshire County Council.


4.2 Members agreed to gather more evidence as part of the inquiry from monitoring officers of local authorities, representatives of FE and HE sectors and Registered Social Landlords.




5    Management of Chronic Conditions: Briefing from the Wales Audit Office

5.1 Members received a briefing from the Wales Audit Office on the Management of Chronic Conditions.


5.2 It was agreed that the Chair will write to the Welsh Government seeking a response to the WAO report.


5.3 On receipt of the response, the Committee will consider whether it will undertake an inquiry into this issue.




6    The Welsh Government's location strategy: Briefing from the Wales Audit Office

6.1 Members received a briefing from the Wales Audit Office on the Welsh Government’s location strategy.


6.2 It was agreed that the Chair will write to the Welsh Government seeking a response to the WAO report.


6.3 On receipt of the response, the Committee will consider whether it will undertake an inquiry into this issue.




7    Meeting the Financial Challenges Facing Local Government in Wales: Next steps

7.1 The Committee considered the correspondence and agreed that the Chair should write to the Chair of Communities, Equalities and Local Government Committee requesting that time be identified, if possible, on the Committee’s work programme to undertake further work on this issue.


7.2 The Committee agreed to return to this issue on receipt of the WLGA’s and the Chair of Communities, Equalities and Local Government Committee responses.




8    Forward work programme - Public Accounts Committee

8.1 The Committee noted the forward work programme.




9    Unscheduled Care: Agreement of final report

9.1 The Committee agreed that reference should be made to the recently published WAO report on the Management of Chronic Conditions. A further draft will be sent for final agreement by email and Members noted that the report will be published on 24 April.




10        Covering Teachers’ Absence: Consideration of draft report

10.1 The Committee considered the draft report and suggested a number of recommendations. Members will re-consider a further draft at the next meeting.

